The Problem

There are many resources on the web for teachers to use, but they often contain information that is not useful or involves a lot of work on the teachers part.  Admittedly, there are a few good websites that provide teachers with information for their students like:

Dave’s ESL Cafe


ESL Printables

but each website still has problems: you have to search and often you still have to make your own resources.

Additionally, it takes many hours for a teacher to find good information, hours that teachers could devote to teaching their students rather than searching for content.

I’ve always been frustrated with the lack of helpful resources that are easy to use, interesting, authentic, relevant, or, in short, constructivist. I’ve thought of wikis and sharing information with other teachers but that doesn’t necessarily mean that teachers will get great lessons or relevant ones. I’ve thought of creating an app, but it is limited in the apps’ capabilities because of its size.


After many months of long, hard thought, I figured it out! I’ve thought of a resource that will transform the present teaching environment to that of the future, one that allows students and teachers to spend time interacting and discussing, not wasting time looking for answers in a dated textbook. A resource that allows students and teachers to embrace technology to enhance learning. A resource I’d love to have when I teach: a one-stop shop, an interesting set of lessons tailored to my students needs-authentic constructivist lessons.

What is this idea? Click here to find my solution.